
Service Offering for Heat Not Burn

Our mission is to support your transition towards new offers bringing a positive impact on society.​

Our service offering provides expertise, support, and fit-for-purpose components needed for a fast and secure go-to-market.​

We help the tobacco industry safely and successfully launch Heated Tobacco Product (HTP) and Herbal Heated Product (HHP) solutions by providing expert services and high-quality components. You can make the HNB leap in less than 18 months!

Our service offering

Our service offering is designed to allow you to

  • Leverage existing cigarette manufacturing assets​
  • Adjust, personalize products and build value on your tobacco products manufacturer expertise​
  • Provide access to the right heating system associated to an optimized stick design​
  • Monitor and control aerosol deliveries ​
  • Start with a few kilograms and ramp up to metric tons with our specifically designed and ready to use HNB recon botanicals design and manufacturing expertise​
  • Anticipate the next version launches with our full support

Download our HNB White Paper

The report introduces a number of considerations that newcomers to this arena should keep in mind if they want to build a successful business case, from initial choices about the heating device or system, consumable (stick-like or other format) and blend to decisions about branding and prior art.