Wrapper & Binder
Modern day machine-made cigars consist of three main components: a filler, which makes up the bulk of the cigar, an inner binder to hold the filler in place, and an outer wrapper, which gives the cigar its distinctive appearance.
Modern day machine-made cigars consist of three main components: a filler, which makes up the bulk of the cigar, an inner binder to hold the filler in place, and an outer wrapper, which gives the cigar its distinctive appearance.
Those looking to transition towards sustainable products for tobacco product filters will benefit from Evolute®, our filtering media range which offers alternative and innovative solutions.
Cigarette, Cut Rag, Shisha and RYO manufacturers consider Reconstituted Tobacco Filler as an important element of their blend in addition to the various types of natural tobacco used.
With over 100 years of experience, we have a deep understanding of the daily challenges our customers face. We have leveraged our expertise to develop a wide range of services to address their current and future needs and support their success.